Contributions from the Germany conference
The 5th international conference in the SIATE conferences series was arranged in Germany.
The theme for the conference was Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion and had 120 participants from 10 European countries.
Here you will find all the contribution from the different speakers.

Contributions from the Germany conference
Gründen Frauen anders?
Do Women Found Differently?
SIATE Conference – 28 Sep. 2023
“When does state support help with setting a business”
Social inclusion
The normative tension between empowerment strategies and capitalism
Political Entrepreneurship EducationInitial Definitional and Methodological Approaches
REINVE:NT – Redesigning & Innovating Vocational Education:
Navigating Transformation
Poverty Prevention Through Improved Economic and Entrepreneurial Understanding for Disadvantaged Youth
Social Inclusion of Adults through Entrepreneurship:Latest Resultsand Future Development
An Invisible Lock
A Contribution to More Equality in Entrepreneurship Education at Universities
Challenges & Resilience of Refugees entering the Labor Market:
a [p3]-Team effort
Can entrepreneurship education and work-related learning actually re-enforce disadvantage?